The Long Island Builders Institute, the state’s largest trade association for residential builders and related businesses, announced a new roster of officers and board members for 2022.
Tritec Real Estate principal Jim Coughlan has been named LIBI’s chairman of the board and Steven Krieger of Engel Burman becomes president.
Among the other officers for this year are Vice President Vincent Calvosa of the Calvosa Organization; Treasurer Martin Dettling of The Albanese Organization; Secretary Anthony Bartone of Terwilliger & Bartone Properties; and Associate Vice President Nick Dalvano of All-Ways Elevator.
Those elected to one to three years on the LIBI board of directors are Dilip Deokule of Budget Estates; Enrico Scarda of The Crest Group; Henry Schreiber of Henron Development; Alison Brennan of First Development Corporation; Barry Lipsky of Lipsky Construction; and Sloane Marcus of The Marcus Organization.
Read the full article in the Long Island Business News.